Hi this was the third time that we stayed at the Eleanna in four years and the accommodation was excellent as on all previous ocassions. The apartments are kept extremely clean with the maids coming in every day. The rooms are spacious and well maintained.
The pool is ideal for relaxing around all day, as for the grumpy old men behind the bar where were they

? One of them I remember from 4 years ago and he was as nice as could be, very polite with Good morning Sir, Thank you Sir every time we visited the pool and bar etc.. The other one, the cook was just as friendly. I think that if the holiday makers are rude or disrespectful of the rules of the accommodation and facilities provided then they may find that they are not so welcoming towards you.

The pool as always was exceptionally clean and there was no problem whatsoever in children going in with T-shirts on any time of the day

. The ruling of having no lilo's etc in the pool was taken a couple of years ago as many "brit's"

decided to fill the pool with all manners of lilo's, boat's and other inflatables so that people were unable to go and have a swim.
The prices at the pool bar for drinks and snacks were in keeping with everywhere else as was the cost of the air conditioning. I think to be fair though that in countries where air con is necessary it should already be built into the holiday package.
All in all you will struggle to find a better holiday accommodation than the Eleanna in Skala.
We will certainly be going back.!